The middle school can prepare teens to become well-informed consumers through culinary practice? AFCC "Arts de Faire Culinaires au Collège


“If you give a man a fish, he will eat one day. If you teach him how to fish, he will always eat.” Lao Tseu

This article presents a program of longitudinal research-intervention AFCC « Arts de Faire culinaires au Collège », initiated in September 2013, in Charente (France).

Having as red thread the practicing, especially in the culinary field, its goal is to open up an alternative to nutritional education approaches – because if they provide knowledge to children, they often remain far removed from the daily food socialities (snacks, lunch boxes, canteens, etc.) they practise – with the aim of encouraging and accompanying the adolescent’s participation in preparing meals under the benevolence of an adult (parent, teacher or educator) and independently.

Portraits in the form of individual and dynamic “pathways” will present the acquisitions of the cohort for the 3-year.

Key words

Culinary practice, Empowering, research-intervention, middle schoolers, food education, proximal development zone, young consumer behaviour.

Researcher’s website (Phd Student)
